The Milan Digital Week, celebrates the in-depth event on video games organized by Vodafone and ESL and traces the correct guidelines to follow in a “world” to be discovered
The “Parents Gaming Lab – The fascination of videogames” was very important and full of ideas, an in-depth event aimed at parents and teachers on the potential and risks associated with videogames, organized by Vodafone Italia and Esl Italia in order to create a bridge between the various generations.
A success of analysis and debates coordinated by Simone “AKirA” Trimarchi, (pioneer of eSports in Italy, player and professional commentator of videogame tournaments) and fueled by the fundamental interventions of:
. Emanuela Zaccone, Marketing & Product Manager of;
. Ivan Ferrero, Psychologist of new media;
. Mauro Lucchetta, mental coach;
. Riccardo Fassone, media and video game expert.
Among the many topics addressed, particular depth and importance, has been attributed to the evaluation and study of the psychological aspects and the emotional impact that virtual worlds have on players.
But not only, in fact, the various practical sessions and technical demonstrations of the most famous games were fun and very popular.

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