LVP (MEDIAPRO Group) will continue donating all proceeds received from subscriptions to their Twitch channel during the Save the Children campaign #QueNadieQuedeAtrás, which helps small children worst impacted by coronavirus

The collaboration between the two parties, which comes to an end after the Superliga Orange finishes, extends until the final of League of Legends Worlds, the largest eSports competition in the world

LVP (MEDIAPRO Group), one of the largest operators of videogaming competitions in the world, will continue to work for #QueNadieQuedeAtrás, the Save the Children campaign that helps children and families living in poverty in Spain, the sector most suffering the backlash from the economic and social crisis caused by the coronavirus.

Thanks to this agreement, LVP will continue to donate all proceeds from subscriptions to its Twitch channel to the NGO. Although the initial agreement, launched in April, covered the entire Superliga Orange, the largest national League of Legends competition in Spain, both parties have agreed to extend their collaboration until the League of Legends Worlds final, the most important eSports competition worldwide. In this way, all proceeds obtained through subscriptions during the Worlds will be added to the total amount collected during the Superliga Orange. In addition, LVP will make the campaign visible during broadcasts of the competitions.

“The League of Legends World Championship is the most important eSports competition globally and, consequently, it is also the largest window of communication to our entire audience. For this reason, here at LVP we have decided to continue supporting Save the Children’s #QueNadieQuedeAtrás campaign, given that this is the time of year when we have the most subscriptions to our channel and where we can further raise awareness about the coronavirus crisis ”, explains Jordi Soler, CEO of LVP.

“Before the emergency, child poverty affected 26.7% of children in Spain. According to our estimates, without urgent measures to address this situation, this rate will rise to 33.3% by the end of this year, which puts the most vulnerable families at breaking point”, declares Laura Pérez, Director of Communication at Save the Children.

The Worlds, which will be played on-site in Shanghai (China), officially started on Wednesday with the draw for the preliminary phase (or Play-In), scheduled to start on 25th September. The group stage will begin on 3rd October, while the grand final takes place this coming 31st October. Although the Asian teams are favorites, four European teams aspire to the world throne: MAD Lions, Rogue, Fnatic and G2 Esports. The entire competition can be followed on LVP’s Twitch channel and on TV from UBEAT.

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